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Child Counseling Online and Over the Phone in Florida!

Child counseling in Jacksonville, FL and Orlando, FL specializes in treating children, adolescents, and teens for a variety of issues such as poor academic performance, misbehavior, stress and anxiety, and learning disorders such as ADD/ADHD. We do this by working directly with your child and helping them to understand the root causes of the issues and what can be done to correct or prevent them in the future.

Depending on the type of issue seen, our therapists may meet with just the child/teen, one or both parents, to get a better understanding of their concerns and the history of their child’s problem. Following the completion of the initial assessment, your child’s therapist will offer a treatment plan, which may include individual sessions with your child, sessions with your child and either one or both parents, or other members of the family.

Addressing issues through compassionate, child counseling in Tallahassee, FL and Gainesville, FL means less stress for everyone, bettering your relationships with your children.

At Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, FL and Brandon, FL we are currently offering online and over the phone counseling in Tallahassee, Orlando, Jacksonville, and Gainesville, Florida!

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