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Financial Abuse Star Point Counseling Center Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl 

With very few exceptions, people need money to survive. We need it to buy food, obtain shelter, access health care, and purchase everyday necessities. Economic abuse prevents an individual from accessing wealth or earning money on their own. The individual may then become dependent on their abuser for resources, making it much more difficult to leave. Like other forms of abuse, financial abuse can cause people to feel isolated and hopeless. Even after an individual has escaped an abusive relationship, the emotional effects of mistreatment can last years. A therapist at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl can help individuals recognize abuse, access community resources, or recover from trauma.

With very few exceptions, people need money to survive. We need it to buy food, obtain shelter, access health care, and purchase everyday necessities. Economic abuse prevents an individual from accessing wealth or earning money on their own. Victims of financial abuse are not at fault for their predicament. A person does not have to be gullible to trust a spouse or family member with financial information. Nor are they “selfish” for wanting a roof over their heads. Even people who are financially savvy can have a hard time recognizing financial abuse at first. At Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, Fl & Brandon, Fl, people recovering from financial abuse may benefit from therapy. A therapist at Star Point can help people work through intense emotions such as fear, helplessness, and shame. The therapeutic relationship is a safe place to rebuild self-esteem and renew their sense of hope.

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