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Religion and Counseling

Religion and Spiritual Orientation are topics asked about during the therapy intake, and throughout counseling sessions. Counselors must heed their own personal bias of the subject, so they do not influence the client’s opinions or beliefs on the subject. It is unethical for a counselor to force or encourage any religious or spiritual beliefs on a client because the therapist is sometimes seen as an authority figure by the client. (Exception is given to Christian counseling centers and therapists who label themselves as such, as the client is in full knowledge of the therapy’s spiritual base). But why are spiritual beliefs, or lack there of, important to the counseling process? Are they essential or just a small part of the story? In the coming blogs we will attempt to give you some empirical data and researched information regarding how this aspect of being may or may not influence counseling and the therapeutic outcome. But first, we want to know what you think? Is spiritual orientation and/or religious denomination important aspects of mental health counseling?

We look forward to hearing from you!!!!

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