Symptoms of depression in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, vary from person-to-person. For example, some people exhibit uncontrollable anger, while others lack the energy to get out of bed. Furthermore, people with similar symptoms may have different severities of each one.
An official depression diagnosis in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, in teens and young adults means that someone has been dealing with at least five of the following symptoms:
Persistently low mood
Intrusive thoughts about death or committing suicide
Feeling uninterested in activities they used to enjoy, such as sports or music
Feeling guilty or worthless
Increased substance use
Disruptions to sleep
Changes in eating habits
Unexplained aches and pains
Reckless behaviors such as excessive speeding or unprotected sex
Causes of young adult and teen depression
There is no single explanation for depression in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, in teens and young adults. In most cases, a combination of factors lead to the development of depressive symptoms. Some of these include:
While there is some debate in the scientific research community over whether or not brain chemistry is tied to depression in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, authoritative knowledge has held for years that imbalances in the parts of the brain that control basic human functionality such as eating, sleeping, and relating to others may indicate a predisposition to depression.
Trauma or Stressful Events
Sometimes a stressful or sad event in life can set off depression in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, especially early in life. Losing a loved one, a job, or a relationship can cause immediate grief. However, if those feelings linger for longer than two weeks, it’s important to seek professional mental health support. Intervention cannot take away the pain, but it can give teens and young adults the tools to work through their feelings and function daily.
Family History of Depression
If someone in your family has dealt with depression in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, or other serious mental health issues, you may be more likely to experience them as well.
Serotonin is the hormone (and neurotransmitter, or brain signal) that comes to mind when many people think about depression. It’s just one of many hormones that may be unbalanced when a person reports symptoms of depression.
Complex Trauma
The ways in which trauma affects the body and mind are still being studied, but experts largely agree that experiencing serious and/or sustained trauma in childhood is linked to depression into the teen and adult years.
Substance Abuse
The correlation between substance use disorders and depression in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, is well-studied. SUDs affect not only physiology and brain chemistry, but also the ability to form healthy relationships with others and with yourself.
Chronic Illness & Pain
Beyond dealing with the regular occurrence of pain or other physical limitations, chronic illness and pain can be very isolating, with nearly 85% of people with chronic pain reporting symptoms of depression.