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Caregiver Issues

Being a caregiver can be a rewarding job. However, when things become difficult, it can create issues such as:

  1. Stress

  2. Isolation

  3. Fatigue

Research has shown, Thirty-five percent of caregivers find it difficult to make time for themselves, while 29% have trouble managing stress, and another 29% report difficulty balancing work and family issues.

Other issues caregivers may deal with:

Fear- dealing with the potential death of a loved one can always create this feeling. While, also worrying about the financial problems that could arise.

Frustration- When you become a caregiver, you are sometimes putting your life on hold to care for the person in need, which can be frustrating at times.

Guilt- A caregiver that feels guilt, it normally stems from the feeling of not being able to provide better care for the loved one.

Exhaustion- Caregiving is a full time job, which means there are days when the caregiver may not get enough sleep, have time to finish meals and or have time to properly care for self.

Unfortunately, these symptoms can lead to isolation, strain and illness if not taken care of. At Starpoint Counseling Center, we may be able to provide the help and motivation for caregivers to take care of themselves, meet their needs, and continue their work.

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