We are bound to feel stressed every once in a while, we can’t avoid it. But we do have a choice in how to handle it when it comes our way. Everyone deals with stress differently, you may have to experiment with many coping methods in order to find what works best for you.
Consider these four points below, they might help decrease the amount of stress and change the way you perceive it:
1. Nothing and no one can MAKE you feel anything. How you feel and deal with a situation is 100% your choice. We can’t control the actions of others but we can control our own reactions. If the situation is something that you can change then begin thinking about positive ways you can handle it, if it is not something you can change then you must accept it for what it is and find ways to cope.
2. Exchange attitude for gratitude. Negative attitudes affect our physical, spiritual, and mental well-being. When in a stressful situation try thinking about things you are grateful for, such as your health, friends, and family. Focusing on these things will change your attitude.
3. Relax! With our very hectic and busy lives, we often forget to take care of ourselves. Relaxing helps rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit. Try finding something quiet that you enjoy doing, and set aside time every day to do it.
4. Look at the big picture. Take a step back and look at the big picture in the situation. Ask yourself “will this matter in the long run?” and “how important is this?” Don’t waste your time on things that don’t really matter.
Stress may be apart of our every day lives but we can control how much it affects us. Will you control the stress or will the stress control you?
If you are struggling with finding the right techniques for dealing with your stress, we can help you! Call us today to set an appointment with a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and learn how to control your stress. (813)244-1251
Visit our website for more information! www.starpointcounselingtampa.com