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Lets Revive your Relationship with Couples Counseling Online and Over the Phone In Florida!

When coming in to begin couples therapy or marriage counseling in Jacksonville, FL and Orlando, FL, you’re often in a period of your relationship very different from any other. Couples beginning counseling often complain about communication problems such as feeling unheard or misunderstood by their partner. They may say they have grown apart or changed. In fact, they may worry that too much distance now exists to even mend the relationship.

At times, one or both partners feel they are not being made a priority by the other. A couple may complain of the criticism they receive from their partner. One spouse may be feeling they are never good enough, and will never be good enough, for their partner.

In ongoing relationship therapy in Tallahassee, FL and Gainesville, FL, our couples counselors can help couples reduce distress and conflict. Couples can improve communication and have more positive, healthy interactions. The counselor helps the couple view problems as patterns, or systems that need adjusting. This helps to avoid viewing problems as residing in one person, ultimately reducing the blame.

At Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa, FL and Brandon, FL we are currently offering online and over the phone counseling in Tallahassee, Orlando, Jacksonville, and Gainesville, Florida!

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