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Signs of Verbal Abuse


How do you know if you are in a verbally abusive relationship?

Another name for verbal abuse is emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is defined as a form of abuse characterized by a person subjecting or exposing another to behavior that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Imagine a situation where a person yells at you, calls you names, and embarrasses you in front of others. That is emotional abuse. It depletes your self-esteem, and can often make you feel like you are crazy.

In the beginning stages of a relationship, the “courting stage,” it is really hard to identify signs of emotional abuse. Things are really good at that period. However, experts say one red flag is a person’s desire to get serious too soon. This is known as an attempt at control masked as romantic love.

Telltale signs of emotional abuse you can look for in your relationship:

  1. You feel worse after disagreements

  2. He calls his ex “crazy” for her allegations

  3. You don’t feel free to spend time with the people and pursuits you love

  4. You feel like you’re dating Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

  5. He threatens to kill himself, you, your child, or the pet if you leave

Emotional abuse is common (1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence). It happens to males too. If you have experienced emotional abuse, it is important to realize it was not your fault. You can get out, and you can get help.

What are some signs of emotional abuse that you can think of?

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