Regardless of the political perspective that we all view from, this political season has been stressful. As a matter of fact, 52% of Americans reported it as being stressful, according to the American Psychological Association (2016). Americans have found themselves feeling “anxious, stressed out, and worried.” Where does this come from? Why do we feel this way? The unknown is frightening and, for some, the facts of what is being done is frightening. How do we continue on while feeling this way? With the rise in hate crimes, protests, discussions and accusations of sexual abuse, walls, and health insurance it’s no wonder that many of us may feel that we are caught in the middle of a mental health crisis.
Research from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (2015) reports that one in five women will be the victim of sexual assault at some point in their lives so it is no wonder that so many women feel that they need to step up and do something to “protect” others. Then on the other hand, we have women that do not see themselves as “victims” and do not need other women to protect them and for some reason it only brings about hate. Why? For some reason, people have not realized or have forgotten that it is okay to disagree.
We live in America where we have freedom of speech, but we must understand that while we are free to do as we choose, we are not free of the consequences that may come from those choices. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. There is room for all of us to speak and to be heard, we do not have to spew hate towards one another just because our perspectives differ. If both sides are saying they are trying to help or protect the others, then why are they tearing them down to try to make their point? Are we really that convinced that our side is so perfectly correct that there is not any compromising to be had? Are we not even willing to stop and listen to the argument and take some time to reflect without trying to prove why our side is right? Rather than coming back with an argument, can we not try to stop and think of the pros and cons together? We may be surprised.
We are only able to see the world through our own life experiences, but if we each step out and put ourselves in one another’s shoes for a moment we may end up pleasantly surprised at the empathy that we have for one another. Or at the very least, realize that we don’t really hate each other.
With the election and inauguration ceremony of the new president, fear has come from every angle. For those that are pro President Trump and those that are against him, let’s unite and work through our fears of what is going on together. Let’s listen to one another from a loving and understanding perspective. Understand that the opposing side’s perspective is being fueled by fear. Regardless of the side that you stand on, we must teach ourselves to listen and to see though different lenses if we have any chance of truly being great again. Cast aside your doubt and come with an open heart and an open mind. If both sides are truly trying to help, then let’s help each other and quit tearing each other down. Don’t be fooled to believe that the “other side” is against you. Fear is what is fueling both sides. United we stand and divided we fall.
If you feel that you are stressed and overwhelmed due to the current circumstances and situation of our country, give us a call. Let’s work through our fears and discuss ways to cope and manage stress so that we can get back to being happy. Life is too short to be anything else. Let’s not live in fear.
(813) 244-1251
(n.d.). (2016). APA Survey Reveals 2016 Presidential Election Source of Significant Stress for More Than Half of Americans Retrieved January 26, 2017, from
Burnett-Zeigler, I. E. (2016). How Donald Trump Affects Therapy Patients. Retrieved January 26, 2017, from
Statistics about sexual violence. (2015). National Sexual Violence Resource Center.
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